Nelly And Ashanti Are Giving It Another Shot? Here's What You Should Know About 'Ex Reconciliation'
Okay, so if you’ve read any of my pop culture think pieces on this platform before (like here or here), you already know that I don’t tend to spend a lot of time talking like I know people who I actually…don’t. As someone who grew up in an entertainment industry home and then got my (official) start in journalism in the entertainment realm as well — let me just tell you from very up close and personal experience that nothing is a smoke-and-mirrors game quite like the celebrity world. That’s why it’s wise to not invest too deeply into it/them.
At the same time, since, for better or for worse, we do live in a culture that seems to be constantly consumed with what famous folks are doing. What I prefer to do is use certain news stories (even if they are basically nothing more than tabloid gossip, depending on the day) as personal teachable moments — and since the word on the street is saying that Nelly and Ashanti are giving it another go, I thought that topic would be a great one to tackle.
My personal recollection of them being together consists of my finding Ashanti’s visual for her single “Good Good” (damn, was that 2008?!) to be cute enough. Plus, I liked how they mostly kept everything off the grid — unlike the other relatively reunited (and does it feel so good? I can’t tell because Ben always looks so irritated) couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, chile). Anyway, beyond that, and then reading some timeline pieces on Nelly and Ashanti (a recent one is located here), there’s not much more that I can say as far as their coupledom goes.
Ashanti and Nelly during Sean Diddy Combs First Fragrance Launch for Unforgivable - After PartyJohnny Nunez/WireImage
However, when I did happen to catch a roughly hour-long Instagram post (here) on Ashanti’s page a few months ago talking about how (among other things) she used to want six kids, and now she’ll “settle for” two or three, I took that to be a subtext that she’s ready to get into something serious/substantial — and sometimes that can mean reconciling with someone from your past.
It’s kind of like a point that was made by Alec Baldwin’s character in the movie It’s Complicated (paraphrased): “Some people should get back together 10 years after a divorce because the time apart can help each person to grow. And since you already know your ex so well, reuniting later could be the best decision ever.”
Nelly and Ashanti reportedly broke up ten years ago, so maybe they are life-imitating art. Either way, before you use them as inspiration (or ammo — LOL) to get back with someone from your own past, please ask yourself the following questions. Then be serious about the answers. Then run them by a trusted friend (or your therapist). And then, if it all checks out, proceed with extreme wisdom and logic. Because getting back with an ex is a bit like a crap shoot — it can be a real blessing or a HUGE mistake. That’s why factoring as much as possible beforehand is such a wise thing to do.
WhyDid the Two of You Break-Up?
I recently got certified (and soon to be credentialed) to be a professional certified coach (a holistic one). It’s interesting because, when you’re actually learning from an ICF-accredited school, a question that actually isn’t asked in life coaching is “Why?” Why is that? Because while therapy/counseling tends to focus on the past quite a bit, life coaching specializes in asking questions that will empower you to decide what is best for your future.
In this case, though, you definitely need to take your past into account because if you don’t factor in why you broke up with your ex in the first place, it could result in you just repeating the same ish that you did before — and if that ish is centered around things like abuse (neglect is abuse, by the way), constant lying or being taken for granted, you really need to do some serious vetting to see if those things are still a present-day issue.
And yes, this is a critical point to consider because, while some people live by the motto “forward ever, backward never” or my personal favorite, “getting back with an ex is like getting out of the shower and putting the same underwear on,” not every break-up is horrific or even devastating. Sometimes it really is a matter of meeting the right person at the wrong time or the two of you really liking each other, but something just doesn’t quite “click.”
You know, it is Benjamin Franklin who once said, “All highly competent people continually search for ways to keep learning, growing, and improving. They do that by asking WHY.” And since, hopefully, you’ve been learning, growing, and improving as an individual, ever since you ended things with your ex, asking yourself why you broke up and being really honest about the answer, that can help you to see WHY you should consider trying again or WHY the past should totally be left there.
What Lessons Did You Learn? During and Since Ending theRelationship?
Everyone is a lesson. That is, if you’re humble enough to know how to be taught anything (some of y’all will catch that later). And just so we’re all on the same page when it comes to this particular point, a lesson is a practical piece of wisdom, and wisdom is something that offers insight and heightens your sense of discernment. In other words, if it’s truly a lesson — and you apply it — there will be no reason to repeat it; your insight and discernment won’t let you.
So, when it comes to your ex, what lessons did they teach you? One of mine taught me to not convince myself to be with someone just because they are a good person. Another taught me to not "be a wife" to someone who is not my literal husband (check out "Why You're Always The One Who Prepares A Man For His Wife"). Still, another taught me to stop mistaking nostalgia for actual love (more on that in just a bit). The first and second lessons I learned during the relationship. The last I learned after. And because the lessons were so profound, they totally altered my way of thinking — which makes getting back together with any of those guys basically an impossibility. Wisdom won't let me.
On the other hand, I have a friend who is kinda-sorta back with one of her exes because the lesson that she learned during the relationship was because she had never been in love before, she kept playing the exhausting game of come-close-go-away. Now that she's had some therapy (and matured a bit), she and her ex are in a far better place which makes it easier to interact with one another on another level. Is it just like it was before? No. In many ways, it's better because, since my friend has less anxiety, there is less stress on the relational dynamic, which makes them able to see where things could go a lot easier for both of them.
I am a firm believer that life is one big school. Thing is, when it comes to the lessons that you need to learn, you can stay in the same class for 20 years, if need be. So yeah, when it comes to pondering about getting back with your ex, did the lessons that you already learn reveal to you that it would be a smart move or a really dumb decision?
Who Reached Back Out First? (Yes, It Is Valid)
Typically, the "Who did it first?" question leans on the side of silly and/or petty and/or entitled to me. Oh, but not in this case. And although words cannot express how disgusted I am with how Brian McKnight is displaying extremely poor (fellow) Gemini energy, he is a great songwriter, and his song with the hook, "Do I ever cross your mind? Anytime?" — let me just say that an ex who says they never think about their exes from time to time they are a bold-faced liar.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that they care enough to reach out or that it's a good idea, even if they're tempted to do so. So, when someone actually does step out and send an email, get in the DMs, or leave a voicemail (your ex still has your phone number? Interesting), that's quite telling — although you do need to take into serious account what it all actually means.
For instance, back when my first book came out, a few of the characters (pun intended and not intended) hit me up. One was my first love. All he really did was send me an email to tell me that he read the book and that he was sorry for the role that he played in the pain of the relationship. And that he would always love me.
Now guess what part I focused on? You can check out "Why Every Woman Should Go On A 'Get Your Heart Pieces Back' Tour" to get the gist of that. As a result, for several more years, off and on, that continued to be all that my heart (the Bible says the heart is deceitful; always remember that — Jeremiah 17:9-10) honed in on. That man didn't say that he wanted to rekindle anything. He said that he wanted to apologize. Lawd, how much we can spare ourselves if we'd just learn to listen to what is being said instead of editing conversations into what we want to hear.
So, did he reach out first? Yep. Did he want anything? Not really. And from personal experience, that’s why “who reached out first and why” is something else that needs to be given some serious thought. After all, the two of you broke up for a reason…so, if they do reach back out, now more than ever, it’s important to take their words literally. If he only wants to see if you’re well, let him know that you are and leave it there. If he wants to apologize, accept this apology and tell him to take care. If he asks to see you — now that’s when trying to figure out if reconnecting, on any level, is actually a good idea.
Bottom line here don’t make something be what it’s not. Oh, and if you are the one who reaches out first…let me just say that I know a woman who got ghosted by an ex back in college, she decided to reach back out to him some 20 years later, and all they’ve been doing is dating for over ten years now (even though she wants to be married). I mean…he didn’t come looking for her; she went out looking for him — which kind of translates to me that he was fine whether they spoke again or not.
See what I mean? *Elmo shrug*
Is It Love? Or Nostalgia?
Please, please, PLEASE — if you don't get anything else from this article, get this: just like fleeting passion can be mistaken for lasting love, so can nostalgia; the definition of the word explains a lot of the reason why, too: "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations."
You know, the mind is a funny thing. "Funny" in the sense that, if you lean into nostalgia, it typically will edit out all of the crappy stuff while encouraging you to focus solely on the good times. For instance, I know a woman right now who got back into something with an ex who was sending her all kinds of expensive shoes and random flowers for the first few months…just like before. Now? Now he's calling her when he's tipsy to vent about his ex-wife.
How did she get caught up in this pattern? Good ole' nostalgia, chile. Initially, reconnecting included discussing fun dates and good sex. Yet, nostalgia is kind of like a drug — it gets you really high, yet sooner or later, you're gonna crash…and that can have you feeling super low.
You know, there's not one ex who I don't have a myriad of good memories of. Yet when I bring logic, common sense, and facts into the dynamic, they all needed to be exes — and honestly should stay just that way. Just because I "love" certain things about them, that doesn't mean that I'm actually still in love with them…and why let the former cause me to overlook the latter?
Pleasant thoughts are fine. They aren't enough to go off of to rekindle a relationship, though. You are far too precious. So is your time. This brings me to the next point.
Time Is Precious: How Would Reconciling Make the Most ofYours?
It actually wasn't too long ago that I penned the piece, "Let's Finally 'Spring Clean' ALL Of Our Exes Out Of Our Lives, Shall We?" for the site. One of the things that I mentioned in it is there is something known as recycling (making something new without changing its original form), and then there's something known as upcycling (taking an original thing and changing it into something totally different; typically something better). That said, if you are thinking about getting back with an ex, I recommend that you determine if it's going to be an UPCYCLE for you. Otherwise, really…why do it?
Something that I oftentimes tell people in their 20s is it really is time out for acting like that decade is nothing more than being in the 2.0 version of your teens. In other words, if you don't make wise decisions, then, you can end up wasting a lot of time. And then you'll need even more time trying to heal and recover from it all.
Personally, that's one of the things that I mourn about a lot of the moves that I made back then; I had to spend a significant amount of my 30s healing so that, should I ever decide to marry a man, I will be the helpmate that he truly deserves. And that's another reason why I'm good on my exes — I don't have another decade to throw away.
And for those of you who may struggle with taking personal accountability and so you like to romanticize your poor choices by saying things like, "Nothing is a waste of time," — no offense, but that is a damn lie. Waste literally means "to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander," and yes — it is quite possible (and easier than most people think) to involve yourself in something (or with someone) without getting an adequate return…in return.
When one of my surrogate mothers passed away of cancer in her late 50s several years ago, one of the last things that she said to me on her hospice bed was, "It goes by sooner than you think," and I have always kept that in the forefront of my mind. As I get older, I find myself saying, "Where does the time go?" more and more.
An ex coming back into your life could potentially be an awesome thing. "Awesome" if the two of you aren't going to be a waste of each other's time. Again, use the definition of the word as a barometer. Be honest with yourself as you do.
This Time, Be Friends First (or Again)
I've been in the couples counseling game for a long time now. And if there's one thing that a lot of married and divorced people have told me, it's that they wish they had spent more time trying to cultivate a friendship with their spouse than a relationship — because when the foundation of something is unstable, the house will eventually crumble on some level.
And this brings us back to Nelly and Ashanti — they seemed to last for a good amount of time by keeping things private the first go around, so if they are indeed reconciling, I'm not sure why they would switch up the formula now. Either way, I hope that they and you will make friendship the top priority. Why? Because the best things come out of friendships. The healthiest relationships are included.
When it comes to you and your journey, please check out articles I've penned, like "10 Things You Should Absolutely Expect From Your Friendships," "7 Signs Your Friendship...Actually Isn't One," "10 Signs You've Got A Close (TOXIC) Friend," "Ever Wonder If A Friend Is Just...Not That Into You?" and definitely "Self BFF: 7 Signs You're Your Own Best Friend." Because if you are thinking about getting back with an ex, the least that the two of you need to be towards each other is hella loyal, honest with each other, and respectful of each other's feelings, needs, and even a few wants. No relationship can thrive without those things intact and every healthy friendship consists of those "ingredients."
And you won't (fully) know if any of this is the case if you're quick to jump into bed or rush into a relationship without seeing how you are as friends…first.
You know, reconcile is a really interesting word. On the one hand, it can mean "to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired." On the other hand, it can mean things like "to win over to friendliness; cause to become amicable" and "to bring into agreement or harmony; make compatible or consistent." And with those definitions in mind, that's what you should focus on most of all.
- Is your ex willing to "win you over" by how they (now) treat you? Are you willing to do the same?
- Would being with them bring more or less harmony into your life?
- How compatible were you before, and how compatible do you seem to be now (sans the nostalgia)?
I will never say that getting back with an ex is a good or bad idea, full stop. I'll just say that if you're going back to your past, make sure it benefits your future. Otherwise, leave it right where it's at: nothing that your present needs beyond a scroll and a click…if that much, sis.
Amen? Amen.
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“I made clothes because I was looking for something that didn’t exist. I had to try to create my own world,” Manfred Thierry Mugler once said. And that’s exactly what the fashion and perfume visionary did, inspiring others beyond fashion to include art forms such as manga and anime.
The designer, who died last week at 73, combined fashion, technology, sci-fi and surrealism in the late ‘80s and ‘90s, revitalizing the fashion world. His affinity for the female form was evident throughout his work — he turned women into otherworldly creatures, insects, angels — you name it.
Princess Snow Kaguya and Thierry— \u3139\u3142\ud83e\udec2 (@\u3139\u3142\ud83e\udec2) 1593657812
His eccentric and futuristic approach to fashion helped cultivate some of the most stylish vilenesses in Sailor Moon, such as Koan and Princess Snow Kaguya. With characters draped in Mugler-esque pieces from the notable Fall 1992 collection, Naoko Takeuchi, the mastermind behind Sailor Moon, embraced haute couture whilst creating an empowering universe for girls.
Love, justice and friendship are the main premises of Sailor Moon but Takeuchi also mesmerized audiences with her characters’ costumes, designs and art. As a haute couture and fashion aficionado, Takeuchi took inspiration from the ‘90s runways from the likes of Mugler, Chanel and Dior. This is what makes Sailor Moon special for a lot of people; you have your empowering protagonists and the beauty of expression through fashion.
Giorno's hairstyle might have been inspired by Karen Mulder's hairstyle for Thierry Mugler's Ready-To-Wear SS 92/93— hirohiko \ud83e\udd70 (@hirohiko \ud83e\udd70) 1587925800
Sailor Moon revived the magical girl genre in Japan and set the pace for similar animated shows in the West, portraying powerful and hyper-feminine girls in series such as the Winx Club and Totally Spies. The genre focuses on the power of young women and emphasizes that being a girl doesn’t make you weak. Instead, the magical girl genre subverts the outdated trope and highlights one’s power as a girl with the skirts, high heels and makeup.
Mugler’s influence on anime even encompasses perfume and Karen Mulder’s hair from his Spring 92 collection. His best-selling Angel ‘Eau de Parfum’ with Amy Wesson inspired a Vento Aureo cover. From Bruno Buccellati wearing Mugler pieces from the Fall 1996 collection and Giorno Giovanna’s infamous hairstyle, it’s safe to say that Mugler’s impact transcends beyond the runway. Below, a few highlights.
Koan is one of many glamorous villainesses in Sailor Moon. Yes, she’s a villain but she looks good doing it. One of the most iconic fits of all, Koan is draped in a multi layered feathered tutu skirt with a semi sheer bodysuit, almost identical to Mugler’s in the FW 1992 collection.
Sailor Saturn’s Shirt
Sailor Moon x Couture\n\nSailor Saturn in Mugler, Sailor Pluto in Chanel Haute Couture, Dark Lady In YSL Couture, Sailor Moon in Dior Haute— cuntroversial (@cuntroversial) 1553284248
Sailor Saturn is the strongest and most feared of all Sailor Guardians, due to her powers and of course, she had to be decked out in a Mugler-esque t-shirt. Another ode to Mugler, Sailor Saturn wears a black turtleneck t-shirt with a black bow on each shoulder, inspired by the Fall 1992 collection.
Princess Snow Kaguya’s Dress
snow queen kaguya / laurence pellagot for thierry mugler haute couture f/w— \u064b (@\u064b) 1592726036
For Princess Snow Kaguya, her dress was inspired by the white dress worn by Laurence Pellagot from the Fall 1999 collection. The dress always goes viral on Twitter for how beautiful and detailed it is. I certainly don’t blame Takeuchi for taking inspiration.
Screenshot via YouTube
The Great Report
2020 Global Report Sheet
JUNE IS HERE, which means it's time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in Houston and beyond! The month honors the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, largely considered a tipping point of the gay-liberation movement. Here in H-Town, the city's official celebration has been bumped to July 25 due to Covid-related restrictions — but that just means that you have all summer long to rep your pride. Check out all the colorfully cool tees and more, all of which are available to #shoplocal via independent H-Town retailers!
red car under tree
Houston and beyond! The month honors the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, largely considered a tipping point of the gay-liberation movement. Here in H-Town, the city's official celebration has been bumped to July 25 due to Covid-related restrictions — but that just means that you have all summer long to rep your pride. Check out all the colorfully cool tees and more, all of which are available to #shoplocal via independent H-Town retailers!
Houston and beyond! The month honors the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, largely considered a tipping point of the gay-liberation movement. Here in H-Town, the city's official celebration has been bumped to July 25 due to Covid-related restrictions — but that just means that you have all summer long to rep your pride. Check out all the colorfully cool tees and more, all of which are available to #shoplocal via independent H-Town retailers
The 197,000-square-foot campus, a project by Houston-based real estate firm Radom Capital, will open this fall, and will be home to the first Texas store by revered men's performance-fabric clothier State & Liberty. The brand was founded in Boston in 2015 by Lee Moffie, a former professional hockey player, and Steven Fisher, a baseball player, after the two University of Michigan grads grew frustrated with not being able to find form-fitting shirts suited for their athletic builds.
All about Paxlovid, the new anti-Covid pill, with Pfizer's Head of Medicine Design - Making Sense of Science
The 197,000-square-foot campus, a project by Houston-based real estate firm Radom Capital, will open this fall, and will be home to the first Texas store by revered men's performance-fabric clothier State & Liberty. The brand was founded in Boston in 2015 by Lee Moffie, a former professional hockey player, and Steven Fisher, a baseball player, after the two University of Michigan grads grew frustrated with not being able to find form-fitting shirts suited for their athletic builds.
The 197,000-square-foot campus, a project by Houston-based real estate firm Radom Capital, will open this fall, and will be home to the first Texas store by revered men's performance-fabric clothier State & Liberty. The brand was founded in Boston in 2015 by Lee Moffie, a former professional hockey player, and Steven Fisher, a baseball player, after the two University of Michigan grads grew frustrated with not being able to find form-fitting shirts suited for their athletic builds.
For many sweet-toothed West Coasters, a visit to Salt & Straw ice cream shop is a must. Now, you can recreate the shop's Sea Salt With Caramel Ribbons, Arbequina Olive Oil, and other inventive flavors at home with the new Salt & Straw Ice Cream Cookbook ($25) by head ice cream maker Tyler Malek and writer JJ Goode. That might sound complicated, but the book proves that it's as simple as pouring a six-ingredient base into an ice cream maker and letting time do the rest. Don't believe us? Try Salt & Straw's famous Honey Lavender ice cream (recipe below), which reels you in with its purple hue and keeps you coming back for its sweet floral flavor.For many sweet-toothed West
Coasters, a visit to Salt & Straw ice cream shop is a must. Now, you can recreate the shop's Sea Salt With Caramel Ribbons, Arbequina Olive Oil, and other inventive flavors at home with the new Salt & Straw Ice Cream Cookbook ($25) by head ice cream maker Tyler Malek and writer JJ Goode. That might sound complicated, but the book proves that it's as simple as pouring a six-ingredient base into an ice cream maker and letting time do the rest. Don't believe us? Try Salt & Straw's famous Honey Lavender ice cream (recipe below), which reels you in with its purple hue and keeps you coming back for its sweet floral flavor.
For many sweet-toothed West Coasters, a visit to Salt & Straw ice cream shop is a must. Now, you can recreate the shop's Sea Salt With Caramel Ribbons, Arbequina Olive Oil, and other inventive flavors at home with the new Salt & Straw Ice Cream Cookbook ($25) by head ice cream maker Tyler Malek and writer JJ Goode. That might sound complicated, but the book proves that it's as simple as pouring a six-ingredient base into an ice cream maker and letting time do the rest. Don't believe us? Try Salt & Straw's famous Honey Lavender ice cream (recipe below), which reels you in with its purple hue and keeps you coming back for its sweet floral flavor.
For many sweet-toothed West Coasters, a visit to Salt & Straw ice cream shop is a must. Now, you can recreate the shop's Sea Salt With Caramel Ribbons, Arbequina Olive Oil, and other inventive flavors at home with the new Salt & Straw Ice Cream Cookbook ($25) by head ice cream maker Tyler Malek and writer JJ Goode. That might sound complicated, but the book proves that it's as simple as pouring a six-ingredient base into an ice cream maker and letting time do the rest. Don't believe us? Try Salt & Straw's famous Honey Lavender ice cream (recipe below), which reels you in with its purple hue and keeps you coming back for its sweet floral flavor.