Friday is greatest

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TGI Fridays signage

I've always been the reader and movie-lover in my friend group. The way that stories and characters inspire me to be the best version of myself touches my soul in a way that nothing else does. I was already an imaginative child, but after my family moved across our state, I spent all of middle school connecting with fictional words and characters, so I spoke to relationship expert Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT, for a look at why our bonds with fictional characters are so strong.

I've always been the reader and movie-lover in my friend group. The way that stories and characters inspire me to be the best version of myself touches my soul in a way that nothing else does. I was already an imaginative child, but after my family moved across our state, I spent all of middle school connecting with fictional words and characters, so I spoke to relationship expert Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT, for a look at why our bonds with fictional characters are so strong.

As I aged, I felt like I was growing up with my favorite characters, from The Chronicles of Narnia's Lucy Pevensie to the various superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As someone who's on the quieter side, it's always been inspiring to see characters that are brave under pressure because it makes me feel like I can be brave, too.

"Fictional romances can make us believe that our own romances should look exactly as we see them on the screen," Earnshaw says. "The same with how friendships and family relationships might be represented. But in real life, relationships are more complex and include day-to-day interactions which can't possibly be demonstrated on TV."

With so many shows and movies available, it takes no time at all to fall out of one hyperfixation and into another, but Earnshaw says that's not necessarily a bad thing. "Remind yourself that it's okay to have a fantasy! It is also okay to admire a character. I think it's super important not to have shame around this," she says. "And then, use that admiration and fantasy to consider what it means for your real life — what are you hoping for? What type of connections do you need?"

"We keep hearing that our government can't afford nice things—or necessary things—for everyone," said the paper's co-author. "Yet militarized spending in the U.S. has almost doubled over the past two decades."

The second-annual Lovers and Friends festival was the ultimate trip down memory lane for music lovers of the “'99 & the 2000”- era. Reminiscent millennials and Gen-Z packed the Las Vegas Festival Grounds for the highly anticipated A-list lineup, and although it was hard to catch all the viral moments happening all at once—it was the talk of the weekend and for great reason.

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It’s time we have a talk with our yoni.

Before we ever knew she had a name, our yoni has been a beloved companion. She ushered us into womanhood with our menstrual cycle and nudges us in the right direction through the voice of our intuition. Through her, all life flows, and with that kind of power, doesn’t she deserves a lot more love, care, and protection?

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Whatever you're up to this sunny season, you can count on a summer dress to elevate your look. We've got a few favorite picks here, including casual dresses.

Whatever you're up to this sunny season, you can count on a summer dress to elevate your look. We've got a few favorite picks here, including casual dresses.

When my sister told me I had to try the frozen tea at Morocco in the World's Showcase, I wasn't so sold. Gin and tea didn't sound refreshing on a hot, Florida day — I just kept picturing spiked Earl Grey in a tea cup. I'm here to admit: I was wrong. The frozen mint tea was the perfect pair for walking around Epcot's many countries, keeping me cool and tasting absolutely delicious. And if you're worried about the gin being too gin-like — don't. It mixes in magically.

woman walking down stair under clear blue sky during daytime Photo by gbarkz on Unsplash

When my sister told me I had to try the frozen tea at Morocco in the World's Showcase, I wasn't so sold. Gin and tea didn't sound refreshing on a hot, Florida day — I just kept picturing spiked Earl Grey in a tea cup. I'm here to admit: I was wrong. The frozen mint tea was the perfect pair for walking around Epcot's many countries, keeping me cool and tasting absolutely delicious. And if you're worried about the gin being too gin-like — don't. It mixes in magically.

woman standing in front of white wall Photo by Oleg Ivanov on Unsplash

When my sister told me I had to try the frozen tea at Morocco in the World's Showcase, I wasn't so sold. Gin and tea didn't sound refreshing on a hot, Florida day — I just kept picturing spiked Earl Grey in a tea cup. I'm here to admit: I was wrong. The frozen mint tea was the perfect pair for walking around Epcot's many countries, keeping me cool and tasting absolutely delicious. And if you're worried about the gin being too gin-like — don't. It mixes in magically.

woman in yellow tracksuit standing on basketball court side Photo by Dom Hill on Unsplash

When my sister told me I had to try the frozen tea at Morocco in the World's Showcase, I wasn't so sold. Gin and tea didn't sound refreshing on a hot, Florida day — I just kept picturing spiked Earl Grey in a tea cup. I'm here to admit: I was wrong. The frozen mint tea was the perfect pair for walking around Epcot's many countries, keeping me cool and tasting absolutely delicious. And if you're worried about the gin being too gin-like — don't. It mixes in magically.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Since the Disney+ series revival (which was led by Duff) was canceled in 2020, it’s been quite some time since Lizzie and her friends have graced our screens (except for those classic reruns, of course). But thanks to the movie’s 20th anniversary, we’re certainly excited to relive all things Lizzie McGuire in this behind-the-scenes roundup.

Since the Disney+ series revival (which was led by Duff) was canceled in 2020, it’s been quite some time since Lizzie and her friends have graced our screens (except for those classic reruns, of course). But thanks to the movie’s 20th anniversary, we’re certainly excited to relive all things Lizzie McGuire in this behind-the-scenes roundup.

Since the Disney+ series revival (which was led by Duff) was canceled in 2020, it’s been quite some time since Lizzie and her friends have graced our screens (except for those classic reruns, of course). But thanks to the movie’s 20th anniversary, we’re certainly excited to relive all things Lizzie McGuire in this behind-the-scenes roundup.

woman singing Photo by Alyssa Yung on Unsplash

Since the Disney+ series revival (which was led by Duff) was canceled in 2020, it’s been quite some time since Lizzie and her friends have graced our screens (except for those classic reruns, of course). But thanks to the movie’s 20th anniversary, we’re certainly excited to relive all things Lizzie McGuire in this behind-the-scenes roundup.

a man with a white beard and mustache wearing a hat Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash