should also be on home

yellow bird on Sakura tree

Celine Crom from Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a cat rescue in Montreal, Canada, noticed a stray cat wandering around her neighborhood, scrounging for food scraps and seeking shelter.

She started leaving food on her porch. With the temperatures getting very cold outside, she set a humane trap out one night, in hopes of getting the cat to safety

Amongst them, there was a gray kitten who saw Celine's house cat through the door, and was intrigued enough to approach her. She trekked all the way to the door and placed her front paws on the window, trying to peek in.

tabby cat touching person's palm Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash

The kitten traced the smell of the food into the trap placed on the porch, and was safely captured. That night, she got to sleep inside a warm home, away from the cold and the elements.

Geraldine, a foster volunteer of the rescue, took her in with open arms. She gave the kitten a comfortable room to decompress, and spent lots of time reassuring her that she was safe.

brown tabby kitten lying on white textile Photo by Tuqa Nabi on Unsplash

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