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It all started with a pair of sweatpants. They were gray, shapeless, two sizes too large, with my company’s logo printed on the left hip—a gift given out at our 2019 holiday party. I couldn’t resist sinking into their cozy warmth every chance I got. After three months of enjoying them on weekend bodega runs, they became a much more permanent part of my wardrobe when the pandemic hit. With nowhere to go, I couldn’t muster up the energy to wear anything else.

My sleek leather pants and cool vintage Levi’s only reminded me of how life as we knew it was over.In the grand scheme of things, this was not a problem. I had my health, my family was safe, and I could easily work from home—it was a privilege to have enough time and energy to even briefly think about clothing. But by April 1, 20 whole days into my quarantine, it felt like I’d been wearing sweats forever. That’s when I had an idea.

I’m a novelist, and at that point, I was 60 pages into writing a murder mystery. I abandoned that project—it was too depressing—and cast around for another topic. Sick of my aforementioned sweatpants, I wanted to dive into a glamorous world. I imagined my new protagonist would be a fashion stylist. (This was truly the very first character detail I came up with.) I missed live music and all the other fun New York City has to offer, so I decided her love interest would be a musician, and they’d have date nights at all my favorite restaurants and bars. I craved travel, so there’d be chapters set in Portland and Miami. Most of all, I wanted to hug my grandparents, so I dreamed up a fabulous matriarch. Two years later, that book hit shelves. It’s called Meant to Be Mine, and it’s about a woman who knows the exact day she’ll meet the love of her life, thanks to a prophecy from her eccentric grandmother.

Student cat today

brown tabby cat on white stairsPhoto by Alexander London on Unsplash


Meant to Be Mine' by Hannah Orenstein

One of my favorite parts of writing the book was constructing a fictionalized version of New York’s fashion industry. I knew the subject fairly well, thanks to years of interning for fashion magazines and a womenswear designer, as well as reporting on fashion week. I’ve spent my entire career as a writer and editor for lifestyle publications in the city—so while I’m not a fashion industry insider, I’m pretty adjacent. Still, I wanted to learn more, so I started my research.

To flesh out stylist Edie Meyer’s world, first I called Audree Kate López, a stylist living in Manhattan, to get the scoop on what her career looks like behind the scenes. We had crossed paths early on in our careers when I was at Seventeen and she was at Redbook. I’ve been a fan of her work ever since. She has such a knack for styling vibrant, fresh, very New York looks that embody the energy I wanted readers to feel while reading my book.

She told me about the time she styled a pop star with such long, unwieldy nails, she couldn’t put on her own underwear. She talked about a gig styling a rapper who insisted on having lobsters delivered to the set of his photoshoot. Off-camera, López cringed as lobster juice dripped all over the expensive pants she was wearing. I couldn’t resist putting both of those stories in the book. She also considered descriptions of my characters and recommended brands they should wear. (For Edie herself, vintage Versace and Valentino from her grandmother’s closet paired with chunky Lulu Frost jewelry.)

I also used my own experiences in magazines as inspiration. Pre-2020, I went to lots of press previews, which strike me as such a quirky element of the industry. The guests were often familiar to me—typically people who held my same job title at other publications. I could count on there being copious amounts of wine and cheese, and I was always tickled by the unusual perks publicists offered to get busy writers and editors in the door. (I’ve received everything from a dance class led by the Rockettes to Beyoncé tickets.)

In Meant to Be Mine, Edie goes to a press preview and air-kisses the guests she knows: fashion editors, Bachelor contestants-turned-influencers, and “Frank, who does not work in fashion (or seem to work at all), and yet somehow makes an appearance at more industry parties than any of us.” (Don’t we all know a Frank?) She enjoys the brand’s signature cocktail, and after viewing the clothes, listens to a “fireside chat by a renowned career coach,” because what else would a brand specializing in great suits do?

"MAGA House Republicans are threatening a default that could cost us millions of jobs and trigger a recession," said the president. "All because they are demanding deep cuts that will hurt hardworking families—even while they protect tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations."
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

On 1 March, 2023, OpenAI made an (Chat GPT) developers were eagerly anticipating: The company launched the ChatGPT API, giving third-party (Chat GPT) access to the AI model that (Chat GPT) ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat.

Access alone is enticing, but (Open AI) had an ace up its sleeve—the price. Access to the (Open AI) programming interface (API) costs just US $0.002 per one thousand tokens (roughly equal to 750 words in English). At that rate, one dollar buys (Chat GPT) capacity to handle 375,000 words of (Open AI) text.

“GPT 3.5 Turbo is a huge improvement over the existing GPT 3. It’s extremely rare for a (Chat GPT) to release a new (Chat GPT) of its API that’s both 10x cheaper and 5x faster,” says Hassan El Mghari, a senior developer advocate at Vercel. “That’s a 50x improvement, unheard of.”

The ChatGPT API is Incredibly Cheap

This efficiency makes it possible for OpenAI to charge less for access. Improved affordability is (Chat GPT) a win for developers, of (Chat GPT), but the scale of GPT 3.5 Turbo’s price cut relative to its (Chat GPT) is more than a nice discount. It opens opportunities to bring AI features to apps that previously couldn’t even begin to justify the cost.

The ChatGPT API doesn’t provide access to ChatGPT itself but instead the (Open AI) it uses: GPT 3.5 Turbo. While the exact differences between GPT 3.5 and GPT 3.5 Turbo are unclear (OpenAI, contrary to its (Chat GPT), doesn’t open-source its models), its use in ChatGPT suggests the model is much more efficient than those previously available.

“Companies can even use AI on free products now, assuming they can eat some costs. Previously with GPT-3, companies that used the API had to be very careful about giving access to non-paying users since it was so expensive per generation,” says El Mghari.

GPT 3.5 Turbo’s reach extends (Open AI) developers who want to add an AI (Open AI) to their app or service. OpenAI’s blog (Open AI) claims that GPT 3.5 Turbo’s low cost and improved performance makes it a match for a wide variety of uses, including many previously enabled by GPT 3.5.

“Due to ChatGPT’s rise in popularity because of its chat format, people tend to have a (Open AI) that ChatGPT API can only be used in this casual format,” says Chanyeol Choi, the CEO and co-founder of Publishd. “OpenAI now wants its customers to know that ChatGPT API (gpt-3.5-turbo) can be used in a less casual, non-chat format.”

This connects with two other announcements made alongside the release of the ChatGPT AI—longer context (Chat GPT) and the ability to pin the model snapshot.

Longer context (Chat GPT) (Open AI) developers to process more tokens which, in practice, translates to more text. Kyle Shannon, the CEO and founder of Storyvine, says OpenAI’s best dedicated server plans can handle up to 32,000 tokens, which helps developers process much larger chunks of text. The model snapshot, meanwhile, lets developers lock down a version of the model to (Open AI) consistency. “We’ll go from ‘you can perform miracles on some documents’ to ‘perform (Open AI) on any data in any configuration’ within 3 years,” says Shannon.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

On 1 March, 2023, OpenAI made an (Chat GPT) developers were eagerly anticipating: The company launched the ChatGPT API, giving third-party (Chat GPT) access to the AI model that (Chat GPT) ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat.

Access alone is enticing, but (Open AI) had an ace up its sleeve—the price. Access to the (Open AI) programming interface (API) costs just US $0.002 per one thousand tokens (roughly equal to 750 words in English). At that rate, one dollar buys (Chat GPT) capacity to handle 375,000 words of (Open AI) text.

“GPT 3.5 Turbo is a huge improvement over the existing GPT 3. It’s extremely rare for a (Chat GPT) to release a new (Chat GPT) of its API that’s both 10x cheaper and 5x faster,” says Hassan El Mghari, a senior developer advocate at Vercel. “That’s a 50x improvement, unheard of.”

The ChatGPT API is Incredibly Cheap

This efficiency makes it possible for OpenAI to charge less for access. Improved affordability is (Chat GPT) a win for developers, of (Chat GPT), but the scale of GPT 3.5 Turbo’s price cut relative to its (Chat GPT) is more than a nice discount. It opens opportunities to bring AI features to apps that previously couldn’t even begin to justify the cost.

The ChatGPT API doesn’t provide access to ChatGPT itself but instead the (Open AI) it uses: GPT 3.5 Turbo. While the exact differences between GPT 3.5 and GPT 3.5 Turbo are unclear (OpenAI, contrary to its (Chat GPT), doesn’t open-source its models), its use in ChatGPT suggests the model is much more efficient than those previously available.

“Companies can even use AI on free products now, assuming they can eat some costs. Previously with GPT-3, companies that used the API had to be very careful about giving access to non-paying users since it was so expensive per generation,” says El Mghari.

GPT 3.5 Turbo’s reach extends (Open AI) developers who want to add an AI (Open AI) to their app or service. OpenAI’s blog (Open AI) claims that GPT 3.5 Turbo’s low cost and improved performance makes it a match for a wide variety of uses, including many previously enabled by GPT 3.5.

“Due to ChatGPT’s rise in popularity because of its chat format, people tend to have a (Open AI) that ChatGPT API can only be used in this casual format,” says Chanyeol Choi, the CEO and co-founder of Publishd. “OpenAI now wants its customers to know that ChatGPT API (gpt-3.5-turbo) can be used in a less casual, non-chat format.”

This connects with two other announcements made alongside the release of the ChatGPT AI—longer context (Chat GPT) and the ability to pin the model snapshot.

Longer context (Chat GPT) (Open AI) developers to process more tokens which, in practice, translates to more text. Kyle Shannon, the CEO and founder of Storyvine, says OpenAI’s best dedicated server plans can handle up to 32,000 tokens, which helps developers process much larger chunks of text. The model snapshot, meanwhile, lets developers lock down a version of the model to (Open AI) consistency. “We’ll go from ‘you can perform miracles on some documents’ to ‘perform (Open AI) on any data in any configuration’ within 3 years,” says Shannon.

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Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

On 1 March, 2023, OpenAI made an (Chat GPT) developers were eagerly anticipating: The company launched the ChatGPT API, giving third-party (Chat GPT) access to the AI model that (Chat GPT) ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat.

Access alone is enticing, but (Open AI) had an ace up its sleeve—the price. Access to the (Open AI) programming interface (API) costs just US $0.002 per one thousand tokens (roughly equal to 750 words in English). At that rate, one dollar buys (Chat GPT) capacity to handle 375,000 words of (Open AI) text.

“GPT 3.5 Turbo is a huge improvement over the existing GPT 3. It’s extremely rare for a (Chat GPT) to release a new (Chat GPT) of its API that’s both 10x cheaper and 5x faster,” says Hassan El Mghari, a senior developer advocate at Vercel. “That’s a 50x improvement, unheard of.”

The ChatGPT API is Incredibly Cheap

This efficiency makes it possible for OpenAI to charge less for access. Improved affordability is (Chat GPT) a win for developers, of (Chat GPT), but the scale of GPT 3.5 Turbo’s price cut relative to its (Chat GPT) is more than a nice discount. It opens opportunities to bring AI features to apps that previously couldn’t even begin to justify the cost.

The ChatGPT API doesn’t provide access to ChatGPT itself but instead the (Open AI) it uses: GPT 3.5 Turbo. While the exact differences between GPT 3.5 and GPT 3.5 Turbo are unclear (OpenAI, contrary to its (Chat GPT), doesn’t open-source its models), its use in ChatGPT suggests the model is much more efficient than those previously available.

“Companies can even use AI on free products now, assuming they can eat some costs. Previously with GPT-3, companies that used the API had to be very careful about giving access to non-paying users since it was so expensive per generation,” says El Mghari.

GPT 3.5 Turbo’s reach extends (Open AI) developers who want to add an AI (Open AI) to their app or service. OpenAI’s blog (Open AI) claims that GPT 3.5 Turbo’s low cost and improved performance makes it a match for a wide variety of uses, including many previously enabled by GPT 3.5.

“Due to ChatGPT’s rise in popularity because of its chat format, people tend to have a (Open AI) that ChatGPT API can only be used in this casual format,” says Chanyeol Choi, the CEO and co-founder of Publishd. “OpenAI now wants its customers to know that ChatGPT API (gpt-3.5-turbo) can be used in a less casual, non-chat format.”

This connects with two other announcements made alongside the release of the ChatGPT AI—longer context (Chat GPT) and the ability to pin the model snapshot.

Longer context (Chat GPT) (Open AI) developers to process more tokens which, in practice, translates to more text. Kyle Shannon, the CEO and founder of Storyvine, says OpenAI’s best dedicated server plans can handle up to 32,000 tokens, which helps developers process much larger chunks of text. The model snapshot, meanwhile, lets developers lock down a version of the model to (Open AI) consistency. “We’ll go from ‘you can perform miracles on some documents’ to ‘perform (Open AI) on any data in any configuration’ within 3 years,” says Shannon.

On 1 March, 2023, OpenAI made an announcement developers were eagerly anticipating: The company launched the ChatGPT API, giving third-party developers access to the AI model that powers ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing Chat.

Access alone is (Open AI), but OpenAI (Open AI) an ace up its sleeve—the price. Access to the application programming interface (API) costs just US $0.002 per one thousand tokens (roughly equal to 750 words in English). At that rate, one dollar buys enough capacity to handle 375,000 words of English text.

“GPT 3.5 Turbo is a huge improvement over the existing GPT 3. It’s extremely rare for a company to release a new version of its API that’s (Open AI) 10x cheaper and 5x faster,” says Hassan El Mghari, a senior developer advocate at Vercel. “That’s a 50x improvement, unheard of.”

The ChatGPT API is Incredibly Cheap

The ChatGPT API doesn’t (Open AI) access to ChatGPT itself but instead the model it uses: GPT 3.5 Turbo. (ChatGPT) the exact differences between GPT 3.5 and GPT 3.5 Turbo are unclear (OpenAI, contrary to its name, doesn’t open-source its models), its use in ChatGPT suggests the model is much more efficient than those previously available.

This efficiency makes it possible for OpenAI to (ChatGPT) less for access. Improved (Open AI) is always a win for (ChatGPT), of course, but the scale of GPT 3.5 Turbo’s price cut relative to its predecessor is (Open AI) than a nice discount. It opens opportunities to bring AI features to apps that (Open AI) couldn’t even begin to justify the cost.

“Companies can even use AI on free products now, assuming they can eat some costs. Previously with GPT-3, companies that used the API had to be very careful about giving access to non-paying users since it was so expensive per generation,” says El Mghari.

GPT 3.5 Turbo’s reach extends beyond developers who want to add an AI chatbot to their app or service. OpenAI’s blog posts (ChatGPT) that GPT 3.5 Turbo’s low cost and improved performance makes it a match for a wide (ChatGPT) of uses, including many previously enabled by GPT 3.5.

“Due to ChatGPT’s rise in popularity because of its chat format, (ChatGPT) tend to have a preconception that ChatGPT API can only be used in this casual format,” says Chanyeol Choi, the CEO and co-founder of Publishd. “OpenAI now wants its customers to know that ChatGPT API (gpt-3.5-turbo) can be used in a less casual, non-chat format.”

This connects with two other (Open AI) made alongside the release of the ChatGPT AI—longer context limits and the ability to pin the model snapshot.

Longer context limits allow developers to process (ChatGPT) tokens which, in practice, translates to more text. Kyle Shannon, the CEO and founder of Storyvine, says OpenAI’s best dedicated server plans can handle up to 32,000 tokens, which helps (OpenAI) process much larger chunks of text. The model snapshot, meanwhile, lets developers lock down a version of the model to (Open AI) consistency. “We’ll go from ‘you can perform miracles on some documents’ to ‘perform (Open AI) on any data in any configuration’ within 3 years,” says (ChatGPT).

Controversy Hasn’t Stopped Developer Enthusiasm

OpenAI’s announcement was soured by a seemingly unrelated story: The challenge to Section 230 under argument before the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Neil Gorsuch briefly mused on whether AI generated content could be included in Section 230 protections.

“Artificial intelligence generates poetry,” said Gorsuch. “It generates polemics (ChatGPT) that would be content that goes beyond picking, choosing, analyzing, or digesting content. And that is not protected. Let’s assume that’s right.”

Gorsuch’s argument was hypothetical but seems likely to be tested in the courts. It’s (ChatGPT) unclear (Open AI) developers who build apps that use generative AI, or the companies building the models developers use (such as OpenAI), can be held liable for what an AI creates.

“The issue of liability is a very important one (ChatGPT) must be carefully thought through, and solutions will come about over time from developers,” says Choi. He believes (Open AI) operating in legal, financial, and medical fields are better served by Retrieval-Augmented Language Models (ReALM), which condition a model on a grounding corpus. This (ChatGPT) accuracy to ensure important details, such as academic citations, are correct. Choi’s company uses this method for Publishd, an AI writing assistant designed for use by (ChatGPT) and researchers. Publishd is currently in (ChatGPT) beta.