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If you've been to New Orleans, you've been to New Orleans. But you haven't been to Louisiana. Not really. Sure, Bourbon Street and Cafe Du Monde may capture a tiny snapshot of the New Orleans experience, but the state of Louisiana is filled with eclectic and grounded people with deep cultural roots that help give New Orleans it's Big Easy feel.There's also nothing normal about the place, but in a good way. Normal is the most abnormal thing you're going to see in New Orleans. Honestly, Sean Murphy did an hour long night photo shoot in the middle of Bourbon Street, holding a 12' stand up paddle board, and no one on the street batted an eye.

If you've been to New Orleans, you've been to New Orleans. But you haven't been to Louisiana. Not really. Sure, Bourbon Street and Cafe Du Monde may capture a tiny snapshot of the New Orleans experience, but the state of Louisiana is filled with eclectic and grounded people with deep cultural roots that help give New Orleans it's Big Easy feel.There's also nothing normal about the place, but in a good way. Normal is the most abnormal thing you're going to see in New Orleans. Honestly, Sean Murphy did an hour long night photo shoot in the middle of Bourbon Street, holding a 12' stand up paddle board, and no one on the street batted an eye.

If you've been to New Orleans, you've been to New Orleans. But you haven't been to Louisiana. Not really. Sure, Bourbon Street and Cafe Du Monde may capture a tiny snapshot of the New Orleans experience, but the state of Louisiana is filled with eclectic and grounded people with deep cultural roots that help give New Orleans it's Big Easy feel.There's also nothing normal about the place, but in a good way. Normal is the most abnormal thing you're going to see in New Orleans. Honestly, Sean Murphy did an hour long night photo shoot in the middle of Bourbon Street, holding a 12' stand up paddle board, and no one on the street batted an eye.


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We are at the start of the century and all the people that started the jouney with us will move forward with us.

"MAGA House Republicans are threatening a default that could cost us millions of jobs and trigger a recession," said the president. "All because they are demanding deep cuts that will hurt hardworking families—even while they protect tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations."
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Not too long ago, while in an interview, someone asked me to define one of the main purposes of sex in a long-term relationship: “Probably the most intimate form of communication that we have is sex because it’s an act that connects one’s physical, mental and emotional state to another human being simultaneously — and communication doesn’t get much more profound than that.”

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